Narrow Leaf & Broad Leaf
In 2022 studies were done of the phytochemical diversity of commercial Cannabis in the United States as well as analysis of cannabinoid profiles in narrow leaf and board leaf cannabis. What does this mean? To put it simply there were studies done on the differences between indica and sativa strains, narrow leaf refers to just that, a narrow leaf plant and broad leaf refers to a board leaf plant. Culturally when we talk about indica we are talking about board leaf Cannabis indica Lam. plants, and with sativa we are talking about narrow leaf Cannabis sativa L. plants. When you go into your local dispensary, and you ask for an indica dominate strain you are asking for a broad leaf cannabis plant. Typically known for its sedating qualities versus sativa which is known for its energetic and creative euphoria. However, what came out of this study and what many connoisseurs of cannabis already know is that the plant being narrow leaf or broad leaf isn’t a great indicator of its associated euphoria. It’s well known in our community that you can purchase a narrow leaf “sativa” strain and have indica like euphoria, and that’s because the cannabinoid and terpene profile is more of a sedating profile even though its growing on a narrow leaf plant.
I know what your thinking… well how do you know what to buy then? I can not stress enough to do what we call titration. It’s something we talk in depth about in my course. Titration is a way of starting at low doses, and gradually taking larger doses until you find the target dose. You can always consume more but you never consume less once ingested. With this frame of reference, we ask that when you start trying out what cannabis best works with your endocannabinoid system that you start with a flower that smells good to you. Take a couple “tokes” smoked, or vaporized, and give yourself about 20 minutes to let it set in and then ask yourself how do you feel? Is this feeling uplifting? Is this feeling sedating? Am I feeling too euphoric or not enough? Next step, and most important step, write it down! Start a little journal, a journal to help you understand your endocannabinoid system and what makes you feel the best. When you start understanding the profiles of the cannabis you can start making better purchasing decisions and take all the guess work out of buying cannabis.
Quality Cannabis
Even though many studies state that limonene is uplifting and myrcene is sedating it doesn’t mean that is how your body and endocannabinoid system will react to it. We all are so different and that is why it is so important that you get to know your body, that you purchase quality cannabis that has certificates of analysis (testing results) with terpene profiles tested so that you know exactly what you’re consuming. Also, keep in mind, those 113 known cannabinoids that are also playing into the entourage effect. When you start dialing in what you enjoy and what you are looking for, your cannabis consumption experience broadens and becomes more pleasurable to you.
Changing Stigma and Educating our Community
We’ve also all heard the same story over time from our friends. That they tried it and just didn’t like it. Well now we should be asking our friends and associates did you know what you were consuming? Did they smoke it, or eat it? Did your friends try a homemade overdosed edible and have a horror story? And did they notice the cannabinoids and terpene profiles when you purchased the product? All these things can start a conversation that changes stigma and educates our community about what marijuana really is. Cannabis consumptions comes in many forms and understanding the entourage effects and the different types of cannabis out there can help you have a consistently enjoyable experience.
The Importance of Set & Setting
Additionally, the entourage experience doesn’t just end with testing results and your body’s response to cannabinoids. It ends and begins with surroundings and emotional wellbeing, what some call the set and setting. Where have you consumed and why? Are you surrounded by some of your best friends? Are you looking to relax and get to bed peacefully and pain free? Maybe you’re alone just sitting around a campfire thinking about the past. At the end of the day remember when, where and why you consume cannabis matters too. Be safe, be considerate and be mindful.
Author: Bailey Stuart Adjunct Professor UAA Green Jar | Owner